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How To Waterproof Ikea Furniture?

Yes, you can absolutely waterproof IKEA furniture. Whether you’re transforming your backyard into an outdoor oasis or simply ensuring your indoor pieces stand the test of time, waterproofing your IKEA furniture is a smart move.

It enhances durability, keeps it looking fresh, and shields it from spills, rain, and humidity. Here’s why it’s essential and how you can do it with ease.

Why Waterproof IKEA Furniture?

  • Durability: Protects against moisture damage, extending the life of your furniture.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Keeps furniture looking new and clean.
  • Investment Protection: Preserves the value of your furniture over time.

Basic Steps to Waterproof IKEA Furniture:

  • Clean the Surface: Ensure the furniture is free from dust, dirt, and grime.
  • Choose the Right Waterproofing Cream: Select a quality wood protection cream suitable for your furniture.
  • Apply the Cream Evenly: Use a roller for a smooth, even application.
  • Let it Dry: Allow the coating to dry thoroughly before use.

Materials and Tools You’ll Need:

  • Quality wood protection cream
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Roller or brush
  • Sandpaper (optional, for prepping rough surfaces)

Benefits of Waterproofing:

  • Enhanced Protection: Shields against spills and weather conditions.
  • Longevity: Helps furniture last longer with minimal maintenance.
  • Peace of Mind: No more worries about water damage ruining your favorite pieces.

Potential Challenges and Considerations:

  • Time: Ensure you allocate enough time for cleaning, application, and drying.
  • Multiple Coats: Depending on the product, more than one coat might be necessary for optimal protection.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the waterproofing product is suitable for the specific type of wood or material of your furniture.

Waterproofing your IKEA furniture is a straightforward process that offers immense benefits, ensuring your stylish pieces remain functional and beautiful for years to come. So grab your supplies and get ready to give your IKEA furniture the protection it deserves.

See All Planning Tools

Planning tools for waterproofing Ikea furniture vary based on the type of furniture and the level of protection needed. Below is a comprehensive list of tools and their functions:

Waterproofing Sprays

  • Types: Silicone-based, wax-based, oil-based.
  • Function: Create a protective barrier on the surface, making the furniture resistant to water and moisture.
  • Application: Easy to use, suitable for both indoor and outdoor furniture.

Waterproof Sealants

  • Types: Liquid substances.
  • Function: Form a waterproof layer that protects from water damage and provides UV protection.
  • Application: Ideal for outdoor furniture exposed to sunlight and rain, also usable on indoor furniture like bathroom cabinets or kitchen countertops.

Specialized Waterproofing Products

  • For Wood: Penetrate deep into wood fibers for long-lasting protection.
  • For Fabric: Create a barrier without altering the fabric’s appearance.
  • Function: Tailored protection for specific materials.

Application Tools

  • Brushes and Rollers: Ensure even and thorough application of sealants or sprays.
  • Sponges or Cloths: Prep the surface by cleaning and drying it before applying waterproofing products.

Protective Gear

  • Types: Gloves, masks, safety glasses.
  • Function: Prevent harm or irritation from strong chemicals in waterproofing products.

How These Tools Help

  • Efficiency: Proper tools ensure an even application of waterproofing products, maximising protection.
  • Preparation: Prepping tools like sponges or cloths ensure the surface is clean and dry, enhancing product adherence.
  • Safety: Protective gear safeguards against chemical exposure, making the process safer.
  • Longevity: Using the right products and tools extends the lifespan of the furniture by preventing water damage.

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Table of Planning Tools:

Tool Type Examples Function
Waterproofing Sprays Silicone-based, Wax-based, Oil-based Create water-resistant barrier
Waterproof Sealants Liquid sealants for wood and fabric Form waterproof, UV-protective layer
Specialized Products Wood-specific sealants, Fabric-specific sprays Tailored protection for specific materials
Application Tools Brushes, Rollers, Sponges, Cloths Ensure even application, surface prep
Protective Gear Gloves, Masks, Safety Glasses Protect against chemical exposure

Easy-care furniture materials

The best easy-care material for waterproofing IKEA furniture is natural oil. This method is not only effective but also user-friendly and safe for outdoor use. Natural oils penetrate deep into the wood, providing robust protection against water damage, and are particularly suitable for IKEA furniture, known for its affordability and ease of maintenance. Here’s a detailed breakdown of easy-care materials for furniture:

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Material Advantages Disadvantages
Natural Oils (e.g., Linseed, Tung Oil)
  • Deep penetration into the wood
  • Enhances natural wood grain
  • Eco-friendly and non-toxic
  • Provides strong water resistance
  • Requires periodic reapplication
  • Can darken the wood slightly
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Provides a glossy finish
  • Excellent waterproofing
  • Can be more difficult to apply
  • May alter the natural look of wood
  • Contains VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • Provides a hard, protective layer
  • Good for high-traffic areas
  • Enhances appearance
  • May crack or peel over time
  • More labor-intensive to apply
Sealants (e.g., Silicone-based)
  • Creates a strong, water-resistant barrier
  • Quick to apply
  • Long-lasting protection
  • Can be less environmentally friendly
  • Might require professional application for best results

For a natural and eco-friendly option, natural oils are highly recommended. These oils not only protect your furniture but also enhance its natural beauty. They are simple to apply, making them ideal for DIY enthusiasts and those looking to maintain their IKEA furniture with minimal effort.

For more details on natural oils, you can check out this comprehensive guide on Linseed Oil from Wikipedia.

Using natural oils ensures your furniture stays beautiful and protected, without the hassle of complicated maintenance routines.

Little-extra-care furniture materials

To waterproof Ikea furniture, several effective materials can be used, providing a durable and protective finish with minimal upkeep. Here are some of the most common options:


Polyurethane is a synthetic resin that forms a robust, water-resistant layer over the furniture surface. It is available in oil-based, water-based, and spray-on varieties. Each type offers unique benefits, so selecting the right one for your specific piece is essential.

Type Advantages Disadvantages
Oil-Based Polyurethane Highly durable, deep finish Long drying time, strong fumes
Water-Based Polyurethane Quick drying, low odor Less durable than oil-based
Spray-On Polyurethane Easy application, even coating Requires multiple coats


Wax offers a natural moisture barrier and a beautiful sheen. It’s often used in combination with other materials, such as polyurethane, for enhanced protection.

Type Advantages Disadvantages
Beeswax Eco-friendly, easy to apply Less durable, needs regular reapplication
Carnauba Wax Hard finish, high gloss Can be difficult to apply evenly

Silicone Sealant

Silicone sealant is ideal for sealing seams and joints, particularly in outdoor furniture. It creates a clear, flexible barrier that prevents water penetration.

Advantages Disadvantages
Effective water barrier, flexible Tricky to apply, may need multiple coats


Waterproofing your IKEA furniture is a simple yet effective way to extend its life and maintain its fresh appearance. Imagine turning your backyard into an outdoor sanctuary or ensuring your indoor pieces withstand everyday spills and humidity. Waterproofing not only protects but also preserves the value of your furniture, ensuring it stays durable and aesthetically pleasing.

The process begins with a thorough cleaning to remove dust and grime. Next, select a high-quality waterproofing cream. Application is key; using a roller ensures an even coat that covers all surfaces effectively. After applying, let the furniture dry completely to form a strong protective barrier.

The benefits of waterproofing are manifold. Your furniture gains enhanced protection against moisture, ensuring it remains in top condition for years. This proactive step reduces maintenance and gives you peace of mind, knowing your investment is safeguarded against potential water damage.

While the process is straightforward, it requires time and patience, especially for drying and possibly applying multiple coats. Ensure the product you choose is compatible with your furniture’s material for optimal results.


Josefa R. Hoyle, the creative force behind Grace Built Home Improvement, is a seasoned in-house writing specialist with over 15 years of expertise. Armed with a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from the University of Louisiana, she is renowned for her unparalleled skill in crafting top-tier content within the realm of home improvement.